Traveling Through Brush and Ink is a stop-motion animation of a little modern man traveling through four significant ancient Chinese paintings, transforming himself into animals and plants, and becomes part of the nature. Each painting represents four important stages of landscape art in Chinese history. Based on the original paintings, we built the sets and animated little character inside- all frame by frame.
The award-winning animation opened the 2016 annual exhibition at the National Palace Museum Taiwan and is now part of the Up the River During Qingming—NPM New Media Art Exhibition through 2019. London-based drector Annlin Chao explains why her team paired handmade stop-motion elements with traditional Chinese artworks in this behind-the-scenes video:
The four Chinese painting masterpieces that inspired the film are Emperor Ming-huang’s Journey to Shu (Tang dynasty), Traveler’s Among Mountain’s and Streams (Northern Song dynasty), Ancient Temple in a Mountain Pass (Southern Song dynasty), and Autumn Colors on the Ch’iao and Hua Mountains (Yuan dynasty).
Related videos include Tableaux Vivants: Caravaggio paintings performed live, Van Gogh’s Starry Night painted on dark water, and Maarten Koopman animates six famous paintings.Plus, watch Paper to Plants: a stop-motion paper film for Tinybop, and The Diary of Ochibi – Moyoco Anno’s stop motion ode to the seasons.
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